In 1975, a young filmmaker named Charles Bush made a documentary about the sport of motocross, following that year s AMA 500cc National Series. Little did Bush know the series would go down in motocross history as one of the most exciting and controversial ever -- and his cameras were rolling. The famous Battle of New Orleans unfolded before his lens, and history was made. At that last round of the 500cc series, five riders had one chance to win the championship before the last moto. Jimmy Weinert (YAM), Steve Stackable (MAI), Pierre Karsmakers (HON), Billy Grossi (SUZ), and Kent Howerton (HUS). Brad Lackey (HUS) had returned from Europe and added an unknown quantity to the battle between all the Americans and the lone European in the hunt...Pierre Karsmakers. What went down on that hot, humid September day in 1975 next to the levees of New Orleans was one of the most important moments in motocross history. The film was never widey released, but 30 years later the Producers of the TV series The Motocross Files found Bush and transferred his only 35mm print of the film to HD. They have restored the film as well as produced a new 50-minute Behind The Battle, The Making of One Chance To Win with interviews they conducted while shooting The Motocross Files.
Includes 48-minute bonus documentary Behind the Battle-The Making of One Chance To Win with behind the scenes of the series itself by the people who were there. Interviews with Director and Producer Charles Bush, Jimmy Weinert, Bill Buchka, Brad Lackey, Pierre Karsmakers, Roy Turner, Dave Arnold, Steve Stackable, Bevo Forte, Keith McCarty, Jody Weisel, and Bob Hannah. Total content time: 140 minutes.